Luchemos por la Vida ("Let's fight for life") is a non-profit organization whose primary purpose is to help prevent road traffic fatalities in our country. This is the cause of 20 deaths each day (more than 7,000 a year), more than 120,000 injured people each year, and terrible material losses (estimated in U$S 10 billion a year). Read more
These years, 2019/2020, Luchemos por la Vida launches a new campaign on radio and television to raise awareness among drivers about the vital importance of respecting and giving pedestrians their priority, especially in corners and pedestrian zebras. More information
Luchemos por la Vida and Ford Argentina, since 2016 develop the free Driving for Life program. Its objective is to raise awareness and provide road safety education to young people aged 15 to 18. More information
189.810 deaths in 25 years is not just a number. They have faces and stories. No war, catastrophe or natural disaster has caused such a tragedy in our country. Every day 20 fatal victims: here 20 faces of 2019. More information
Educational video "Keys to safe driving"
Made to contribute to creating awareness and helping educate drivers on traffic safety, specially those who are in the process of applying for a driving license or renewing the license they already have. Thus, we promote a more responsible granting of driving licenses. More information